Linocuts and Landscapes by Hannah Farthing

As the long summer days grace the Isle of Skye, there's no better time to take a seaside stroll (midges notwithstanding), and one artist at home with a coastal view is Hannah Farthing. 

Growing up amidst the woodlands and rugged coastline of Suffolk, Hannah has always been captivated by the natural world and its fascinating rhythms. Her deep-rooted connection to nature is more than evident in her work, which explores our innate relationship with the environment. 

During her time at the Cambridge School of Art, Hannah stumbled upon a love for printmaking that would profoundly shape her creative journey. In her later days, she spent much of her time immersed in the print rooms, honing her skills and exploring the medium. However, it wasn't until she embarked on internships at renowned letterpress printing establishments Typoretum in the UK and Hatch Show Print in the USA that she truly grasped the heritage and contemporary significance of her craft. These internships were transformative, offering her a deeper understanding of the lineage of printmaking.

Armed with newfound knowledge and a burgeoning passion, Hannah amassed her own collection of letterpress and linocut equipment, transforming a corner of her home into a dedicated print studio. The pandemic, with its unexpected upheavals, prompted Hannah to venture northward to Edinburgh. Here, she delved deeper into her artistry by pursuing an MA in Illustration at the Edinburgh College of Art. Though now based back in Suffolk, Hannah regularly returns to Scotland to draw and explore its breathtaking landscapes, which she describes as her greatest source of inspiration.

We discovered Hannah's work shortly after she completed her MA. Her artistic style, deeply influenced by her time in Scotland, resonated with our mission to connect artists and buyers through unique, authentic creations. Hannah created "The Quiraing at Dusk," a multi-block linocut that depicts the Quiraing, an ancient landslip in the north-east of Skye, at dusk exclusively for Òr.

This intricate print involved printing five layers of hand-carved linocut blocks with custom-mixed inks. Hannah's layered printing technique beautifully mirrors the natural layers of the Skye landscape, with the interplay of colours and forms capturing the depth, light, and scale of this awe-inspiring scenery.

‘For this specially commissioned piece we wanted to capture the magical atmosphere of dusk at the Quiraing. The soft lilac blue hues reflect this, with the inks for each layer being colour mixed by hand to create the perfect soft dreamy tones’ - Hannah Farthing 

Hand signed The Quiraing at Dusk print.